Sam IP Legal Solutions, P.C. | Legal Services at the Intersection of Technology and Business | Patent, Trademark, Copyright & Business Attorneys
(720) 965-3896
Legal Solutions
SAM IP Trademark Attorneys
Trademark Search
Our trademark search services are included with your flat fee payment as part of our Trademark Registration Flat Fee Service. If a trademark search is requested for some other purpose without opting to file for a trademark registration, we will be happy to assist you at our hourly rate.
A trademark search is an important first step for us to take in helping you to secure a trademark registration. Whether you have already invested in a name for your goods or services, or whether you are contemplating if you should start using a name for your goods or services, our trademark search will prove helpful to you in the registration process.
Our experienced attorneys will preform a comprehensive trademark search at the federal, state, and common law levels and then call you with a consultation on the search results and the likelihood of obtaining a federal registration for your trademark based on those results. Through this trademark attorney consultation, you will be well informed as to the likelihood of registration and any work which may be required after your trademark application has been filed. From this, you will be able to decide whether to go forward with the registration of a particular name or whether to pursue a different name for your goods or services.
For further questions about the trademark searches performed by our trademark attorneys or for more information about our Trademark Registration Flat Fee Service, please contact us.
Trademark Registration Flat Fee Service
Register your trademark with us for an affordable flat fee!
Contact Us Today To Begin Your Trademark Protection
Our trademark attorneys are ready to listen to you and to tailor a unique plan that fits your needs and grants you the greatest degree of trademark protection at an affordable price. We offer flat-fee quotes for trademark registration and for many of our other trademark services, as well as hourly rates depending on our clients' unique situations and needs. If you are ready to begin your trademark registration, enforcement, or have questions about trademarks, call us today to speak to an attorney or fill out our message form.
(650) 285-1799
(801) 753-9055
Colorado & Eastern Utah
(435) 650-8019
Some of our trademark work.
Get Help Now
(650) 285-1799
(801) 753-9055
Colorado & Eastern Utah........
(435) 650-8019
For answers to questions or for counseling, please contact our office. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.